Picturing My Life 10 Years Later

5th January 2015 | 12.57 a.m

Here I am, sitting on my bed unable to sleep. Can’t remember when was the last time I’ve been an insomniac. Many thoughts came to my mind these days. 2015. I’m unofficially 19 this year, and I’m about to start my 3rd semester in my foundation studies. Well, most of my friends will finish their foundation studies in another 6 months. But, since I’m taking a 2-year foundation programme, I’ll finish next year. Which means, I will only be taking my degree in the second half of 2016 or maybe 2017 (T.T)

Okay, stop. I am not crying over spilled milk. The regrets upon taking a 2-year foundation programme, I’m totally over it. The things that have been going in my mind is, what will I do after I finish my foundation studies? No specific answers for this question. Seriously, I’ve been constantly changing my what-will-you-be-when-you-grow-up answers every year. I remembered when I was at primary school, my dream was to become a doctor. That dream continued until high school. But at that time, emm, maybe when I was around 15. Starting from that point onwards my dream started to change. Scientist, forensic ,chiropractic, skin specialist, accountant, bank officer, business manager, you name it all. I can’t make up my mind, until today (=.=)

I remembered what my favourite teacher once said when I was in Form 5, “Don’t set your mind to only one thing. Broaden your mind.” He advised me not to stick to plan A. Always have backup plans. If plan A doesn’t work, start on plan B and so on. That way we can prevent ourselves from being over-depressed and constantly lose the will to further study if we fail to achieve our first goal.  For example, you are now in your second semester of foundation in science. You plan to take degree in Medic. Don’t stop there! Make more plans. If your CGPA unables you to further studies in medic, then find other alternatives. There is always a way out.

Hehe, well.. That’s what my teacher said. And his words helped me a lot. I don’t know what I’ll be 10 years later. A biomedical scientist? Dietician? Optometrist? Doctor? Hmm.. who knows.. Allah has plans for me, and I will follow obediently, InsyaAllah. For now, I’ll continue working hard. No pain no gain, so they say.  Oh! Wait.. Hehe my post title said ‘Picturing My Life 10 Years Later’. During that time, I will be 29 years old. Of course, one of my plans is to get married before 30. My ideal age of wedding is 26 hahaha 😀 We’ll see what happen. Pray for the best !! *winks*