Secret Hideaway

The unspoken words written in this hidden chamber of mine

Tag: Inspiration

How the beach calms me

I love the beach

I love laying down on the carpet of sands,

Beneath the night sky glittered with stars,

Lulled by the sound of waves that gushes through the sea,

Just watch and listen, it washes your fear and anxiety.

You know what? Laying here under the night sky, makes me realize just how small we are in this vast universe. That there’s a lot more to explore, and a lot of things to be grateful of. Like how pretty the sky can be, how soothing the sounds of nature can be. If you could just stop and take a minute to look at these beauties the nature could offer, you would appreciate a lot more than you can think of.

It’s a natural therapy, you see. And that is why I love the beach.


Abandon Who?

Today I sit under the shade of a tree

I asked,

“God, why did you abandon me?”

I studied hard to earn my degree,

Yet why it won’t satisfy me?

I worked night and day for money,

Yet my pocket seems always empty.

I live together with my lovely family,

Yet why do I feel lonely?

I enjoyed life with friends and luxury,

Yet the joy feels temporary.

I pretty much have everything,

But it feels like a piece is missing.

Oh, my heart knows the thing

It was You that I was missing.

 I sit and gazed on the sky painted blue

“God, why did I abandon You?”


1851 HRS

Heartfelt.. How Time Changes Someone

7th January 2015 l 9.32 a.m.

It has been a long time since I went out to the city. I’ve been at home since my semester break and rarely have the chance to enjoy the fresh air outside. Well, actually I have plenty of chance, but I’m just umm lazy to go out fufufu :3

So, I live in a small district not far from the capital city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. And right now I’m waiting for my father in his office’s cafeteria right in the middle of the city. From the 3rd level of his office I could see half of the view of this city. I chose a desolated area to sit so I could comfortably eat alone without being too noticeable to the corporate workers that were having breakfast here. (note that I dislike attention *hoot*)

It has been only a few months since I left KK (Kota Kinabalu) to study in East Malaysia. But so many things have changed here. Or is it just me thinking like that? Hmm.. So I’m here eating alone, waiting for my father to come and have breakfast together. He’ll be sending me to my best friend’s house after this. I’m so excited to meet her 😀

7th January 2015 l 5.10 p.m.

I’m  home! Spent a quality time with my best friend earlier. I heard a lot of stories from her. But one story really gave me the chills. We were chatting about college stuffs when the topic about our former classmate came up. She was my class rep during high school. A tough and bright girl packed with confidence and leadership. We all knew she went through a lot of hardships in 2013. I may not be her closest friend but I do care. When it comes to my classmates, the one we call the Amanians 0913, I really do care. A lot.

So back to her story. This one friend of mine was once a girl full of passion for dancing. She participated in so many dance competitions. She’s really tough, and her choice of words could be heard a little bit harsh to me and other people who may not know her. Sometimes I couldn’t help but feel offended by what she says although I knew she was just joking. I just couldn’t stand harsh words hahaha. But as time goes by, I’m used to it. And I adore her personality more than anyone. She went through a really hard time in 2013 up until now. But I can see.. Those hardships made her stronger. Those hardships changed her to be a better person. I could see it from her posts in Facebook and WeChat. When my best friend ( the one who went to the same college with her)  told me how is her condition now. I couldn’t help it. I was touched, I almost cried.

She really is gradually changing. Although she is still outspoken, but her insides has become so much better. She has become such a responsible daughter and a great Muslimah. She studied hard, knowing that she bears the responsibilities as the oldest in her family. Knowing that she has to help her mom to get back up from those hardships. She started covering her aurah properly, perfecting her ibadah. Recently I heard that she does so well in her studies.  I am so proud of her. I adore her even more. And I couldn’t help but to feel ashamed of myself. She has changed and will continue to change. The stories I’ve heard about her gave me inspirations. My tears started flowing down my cheeks. SubhanAllah.. Alhamdulillah. Allah, You gave hidayah to the person who really needed, give her strength, give her the power to overcome the obstacles in life.

|             [لا يكلف الله نفسا الّا وسعها ]

Indeed, Allah will never burden anyone beyond their limits. There is always a silver lining in every circumstances in our lives. Don’t take for granted if we only get the good things. Be grateful and don’t forget all the things we possessed today belongs to God. Don’t fret if we face problems,because there is always reasons behind the problems.