Secret Hideaway

The unspoken words written in this hidden chamber of mine

Category: Uncategorized

The Path

It’s okay, it’s alright

The path is already there

All you need is to build a road and walk on it

Don’t hesitate, just go for it.

You might find obstacles along the way

You might fall and hurt yourself all day

As you walk, people might join you

Over time, people might leave you

You might feel dejected

Your heart might be tainted.


It’s okay, it’s alright

The path is already there

As you walk and walk, it’ll be hard to bear

Don’t give up, don’t despair

Eventually, you’ll arrive there.


At Home.

Missing Home..

21st March 2015 | 8.09 p.m.


I missed a place,
Where I called home.
A place of joy,
A place of sorrow,
A place that I could proudly say,
Where I belong.

      And yes, I’m homesick. Counting days to fly back to KK. Can’t wait to snuggle with my new-born cats and to eat homemade cuisines. I missed my mom’s cooking *cries*

     But hey, first things first. I have to focus on my upcoming end-of-semester exam as well as other project presentation. Let’s do this! *fistbump*

“لا تخاف ولا تحزان , ان الله معنا”

Don’t fear and don’t be sad, Allah is here with us.

Surviving The High Tides Of Seeking Knowledge

11th February 2015 | 3.49 p.m.

Knowledge. One word, yet it is divided into different fields. Pure science, astronomy, accounting, law, business, religion, politics, nature, you name it all. Knowledge is everywhere. Never-ending, timeless and continuous. In Islam, seeking for knowledge is compulsory. It is strongly stated in the Quran that Allah commanded us to acquire knowledge.

I learned a lot during in class earlier. One thing I liked about  studying in CFS IIUM, is because  the university makes sure that students are exposed to Islam.  Islamic Revealed Knowledge, one of the subjects I’m taking this semester. I liked it as a whole. The syllabus, the lecturer. Every words that came out of her mouth gave me inspirations.

Studying in the university is 100% different from during high school. Well, during high school might be quite easy for me. I have such great teachers, supportive parents and good friends. So I was doing quite well during those days. But now.. Well.. It’s hard. I’m far from my family, I have to take care of myself, manage my time, and cope with some lecturers that sometimes makes it hard for me to understand the subjects. Although I studied, I just couldn’t grab the gist of what I’m learning.

Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I failed. I’m no different from others. I studied the same way as they do. And yet, they said, “You’re clever. It must be easy for you to answer the tests,” , “I’m not as clever as you,”.  I heard it over and over again. Although I’m having a hard time. Okay.. I’m grateful they thought of me that way. But sometimes it burdens me. Okay, stop. Enough complaining hahaha

Back to what I learned earlier, my lecturer said that knowledge is more than just learning the theory and passing exams. All knowledge comes from Allah. So as students we should never be arrogant with the knowledge we have. Because the knowledge we acquire today cannot be compared to Allah’s knowledge. Although our knowledge may be logical, it has its own shortcomings. That is why the Qyran is the main source of knowledge. Because the Quran contains nothing but the truth.

Madam Salina said, “When you meet with people who have different opinions than you, be open-hearted, not judgemental. Hear what that person has to say and investigate whether it is the truth or not. Don’t be arrogant. When you know something, it doesn’t mean you know everything. Always seek for knowledge.”

Seeking for knowledge is an endless journey. Sometimes we’ll walk on a clean,straight path and sometimes we might find obstacles along the way. And sometimes we might have to face the high tides of seeking knowledge. Some may drown from the storm, some may survive and move on. So, choose. Whether to complain because of hardships, or to struggle and never give up.